Mandown alarm
Automatic alert is launched by vertical or horizontal device orientation, non-movement, impact and free fall.

Amber alert
Amber alert is a timer based alert for risky situations. The SOS cycle is automatically activated if device user has not reacted on a given time.

Indoor location
TWIG devices equipped with SRD3 option can be located inside buildings by using cellular network or Wi-Fi, SRD or Bluetooth beacons.

SRD3 compatibility
SRD3 option expands device use cases with compatible short range devices, Wi-Fi base stations and Bluetooth Low Energy beacons.

Wi-Fi communication
Wi-Fi network enables lone workers to alert help by calls and messages over Wi-Fi in areas where mobile network is not available or mobile network signal is poor.
4G and VoLTE
All TWIG lone worker alarms support 4G connection for SMS, data and VoLTE calls.

Alarm monitoring
The alarm monitoring system is a solution to track and trace alarms triggered by the lone worker alarm device.

GNSS technology provides precise real-time outdoor location tracking through multiple satellite constellations.