Our journey
The new discreet wristwatch, TWIG Eon is launched.
Twig Com Oy (“TWIG”) and Valedo Partners III AB (”Valedo”) have entered into a partnership to accelerate expansion and growth of TWIG.
The new 4G technology, new design and new lone worker alarm series is launched with TWIG One and TWIG One Ex and the new wearable TWIG Neo.
The new personal alarm in form of ID badge, TWIG SOSCard is launched.
The first wearable TWIG Embody personal alarm is launched.
TWIG marketing, engineering and manufacturing move to our own, new low-energy factory.
A new P3 TWIG Protector personal alarm range is launched.
Twig Com Oy is founded and the TWIG/Benefon personal safety alarm device business is acquired through a management buy-out.
TWIG Protector P1 is born, in a bid to create the complete and dependable lone worker and social alarm device.
Benefon Track launched as the first commercial GSM/GPS safety phone, starting the momentum in the European lone worker safety movement.
Benefon starts developing the MORE, mobile rescue phone, as part of a European Union research consortium. MORE is the first GSM/GPS personal safety alarm.
Benefon founded in Salo, becomes a successful NMT mobile phones provider in the 1990'ies.