Lone Worker Safety

in Oil and Gas Industry

Contact Us for Lone Worker Safety Solutions

Protecting Those who Keep the Energy Flowing

Lone workers in the petrochemical industry face numerous hazards such as exposure to hazardous substances, radiations, extreme temperatures, and ergonomic risks. Ensuring their safety is crucial for preventing accidents and maintaining productivity.

Ensure Safety in High-Risk Environments

Explosion Risks

Lone workers are often in hazardous areas where gases, vapors, mists, and dust can form explosive atmospheres.

Fire and Inhalation Hazards

Inhalation of dust and other dangerous substances can cause fatigue and lead to unconsciousness.

Falls, Slips, and Trips

Changes in level, stairs, and obstacles like cables and mats can cause workers to fall or slip.

Your Role as an Employer

As stewards of safety, employers must equip their teams with these advanced systems. Doing so not only complies with the strictest safety mandates but also underscores a commitment to every worker’s life and well-being.

Equip Your Team with the Best Safety Systems

Protect your most valuable assets - your employees.

TWIG Advantages for ATEX Areas

Indoor Location

The TWIG indoor location solution locates distressed or injured persons inside areas where GPS is unreliable, providing the needed accuracy.

ATEX Compliance

All TWIG Ex products are type-approved and manufactured under an ATEX certified quality management system.


TWIG lone worker alarm devices are designed to withstand harsh conditions, including extreme temperatures, moisture, and mechanical stress.

Click here to learn more about TWIG lone worker safety features

Overcome lone worker safety challenges with TWIG lone worker solutions.

The Benefits of Choosing TWIG

Future-Proof Functionality

Devices maintain compatibility across new device generations.

Durable devices

TWIG lone worker alarms provide reliable performance in all situations.

Scalable Solutions

Our scalable system adapts to your evolving safety requirements.

Made in Finland

Decades of know-how in communication and location solutions.

Trusted Quality

A reliable provider of safety solutions trusted by service providers worldwide.

Certified Compliance

Each device meets stringent lone worker alarm standards and requirements.

Ready to enhance your worker safety?