The world's most compact ATEX alarm

Extreme safety just got smaller with


The compact and wearable TWIG Neo Ex lone worker alarm device is designed to protect lone workers in hazardous ATEX environments. 

  • Compact size

  • Robust design 

  • Wear as you go

  • Full range of accessories

  • Scalable functions

  • Easy integration to various monitoring systems

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Mandown alert in falls, no movement, impact and free falls.

Accurate location

Greater accuracy provided by GNSS satellite navigation systems.

Hands-free calls over LTE

SOS alert

Emergency alert to predefined numbers.


Track the alarm and view its positions on map.

Locate with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth beacons indoors.

SOS button

Dedicated and configurable SOS key with optional colour.

Remote management

Firmware update over-the-air. 

Manage and monitor with TWIG Point platform or 

integrate to your own monitoring system

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TWIG Neo Ex protecting lone workers in

What is your lone worker safety need? 

Let us help you to find the best solution for your use case

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