28.11.2018 Hädässä olevan yksintyöskentelijän paikannus, seuranta ja sijainnin visualisointi
TWIG Point Monitor -valvomosovelluksella
16 tammikuuta, 2019 kirjoittaja
28.11.2018 Hädässä olevan yksintyöskentelijän paikannus, seuranta ja sijainnin visualisointi
Twig Com Ltd.

TWIG Point Monitor is a turn-key alarm monitoring solution for locating distressed lone workers and viewing their location on custom site maps and multistorey floor plans.

Deployed internationally in minutes, TWIG Point Monitor is an effective platform for managed services providers utilizing TWIG personal alarm devices in the field of lone worker safety.

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Locate and view alerts on custom site maps

TWIG Point Monitor integrates with TWIG Point Netloc service and TWIG Point Site tool to get faster more reliable location of distressed person indoors, whether in public spaces or on a custom site. TWIG Point Netloc hybrid location fuses available location data from GNSS satellites, cellular network, TWIG Beacon short range devices (SRD), Bluetooth Low Energy beacons (BLE) and Wi-Fi base stations.

The best available location can be visualized in TWIG Point Monitor on custom site maps. The creation of own sites with own building and floor plans and geocoding of location beacons is easy with TWIG Point Site tool.

Visual and audible alerts

In TWIG Point Monitor the operator is visually and audibly notified of incoming alerts, which can also be forwarded. Alert procedures can be documented and alert events logged.

Tracking rules and Management of On-screen Messages

Lone worker safety can be improved with multiple tracking rules including area tracking. The Operator can easily send and manage On-screen Messages (OSM) displayed on lone worker’s device screen.


Alerts and other events can be filtered, viewed and exported for reporting and audit trail purposes.

Easy deployment with the TWIG Point SP account

The service provider model puts you in the driver’s seat: You as a managed services provider can create and manage customer accounts and register customer devices.

Deploy hybrid location capability, add customer site maps, manage alerts and visualize their location with: TWIG Point Netloc, TWIG Point Monitor and TWIG Point Site. More information in the latest TWIG Point Getting started guide and TWIG Point Datasheet.

Contact TWIG Sales (sales@twigcom.com) for:

  • Activation of your free-of-charge TWIG Point SP account
  • Service pricing details

Contact TWIG Support (support@twigcom.com) for:

  • Integration of the TWIG Point Netloc universal hybrid location to your own ARC platform
  • Technical questions
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