18.10.2018 TWIG-hybridipaikannus yksintyöskentelevän henkilön paikantamiseen sisällä ja ulkona
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4 lokakuuta, 2018 kirjoittaja
18.10.2018 TWIG-hybridipaikannus yksintyöskentelevän henkilön paikantamiseen sisällä ja ulkona
Twig Com

The TWIG Point Netloc hybrid location

Activate for your TWIG device

Timely, reliable and accurate location information is key to getting help fast to a distressed lone worker, whether indoors or outdoors, on-site or off-site. The answer is TWIG Point Monitor alarm monitoring platform with TWIG Point Netloc hybrid location service, a solution deployed in minutes globally yet scalable to address site-specific location requirements.

View and monitor alarms on your own site map

The TWIG Point Netloc hybrid location is a fusion of available locations of TWIG device provided by GNSS satellites, cellular network, TWIG Beacon short range devices (SRD), Bluetooth Low Energy beacons (BLE) and Wi-Fi base stations sent to TWIG Point Monitor, a turn-key alarm monitoring and tracking application.

TWIG Point Monitor gives you the possibility to:

  • visualize the device and user location on your own site maps and multistorey floor plans,
  • manage alerts,
  • monitor device status,
  • create tracking rules,
  • send and manage On-Screen Messages and
  • get help to the right place faster.

Faster, more reliable location with improved accuracy

A TWIG personal alarm device, equipped with SRD3 option (SRD + WiFi + BLE) and device firmware 057 or later, sends its fused location including the inaccuracy estimate to TWIG Point Monitor, to be visualized on custom site map. The hybrid location enabled with TWIG Point Netloc improves the location accuracy and enables indoor location in public spaces as well as at customer site.

The TWIG Point Netloc is operational world-wide upon service activation. On-site location can then be enhanced as and if needed through deploying custom beacons and easily geocoding them with the TWIG Point Site –application.

Add your floor plans and geocode your custom on-site beacons

TWIG Point Site is a turn-key tool to plan and deploy your on-site beacons and sensors for compatible TWIG personal alarm devices. Create your own site, import your floor plans and geocode your beacons to all floors.

Easy deployment with the TWIG Point SP account

The service provider model puts you in the driver’s seat: you can create and manage customer accounts and register customer devices.

Get the universal hybrid location, add your site maps, manage your alerts and visualize their location with: TWIG Point Netloc, TWIG Point Monitor and TWIG Point Site. Start testing the universal hybrid location already today with help of the latest TWIG Point Getting started guide. More details in TWIG Point Datasheet.

Contact TWIG Sales (sales@twigcom.com) for:

  • Activation of your free-of-charge TWIG Point SP account
  • Service pricing details

Contact TWIG Support (support@twigcom.com) for:

  • Integration of the TWIG Point Netloc universal hybrid location to your own ARC platform
  • Technical questions

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