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Datasheets TWIG Neo Ex
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TWIG Beacon Scheda tecnica EZ3415-IT
TWIG Beacon Datenblatt EZ3415-DE
Datasheets TWIG Beacon Ex
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Voir toutDatasheets TWIG Remote Button
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Case Study: TWIG Enhances Safety for Municipal Health Service Workers in the Netherlands
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Johtamisjärjestelmäsertifikaatti ISO14001:2015
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Certificate - Johtamisjärjestelmäsertifikaatti ISO14001:2015
Management System Certificate ISO14001 2015
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Certificate - Environmental Certificate ISO14001:2015
Johtamisjärjestelmäsertifikaatti ISO9001:2015
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Certificate - Johtamisjärjestelmäsertifikaatti ISO9001:2015
Management System Certificate ISO9001:2015
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Protecting people is our priority
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The rise of lone working
Lone working is increasing globally, and it poses a unique set of risks for both workers and companies. In the event of an accident or emergency, help may not be readily available.
Lone working is prevalent in many industries, such as manufacturing, property maintenance and healthcare.
The importance of feeling safe
Feeling safe is important for everyone.
By protecting your company's most valuable asset - your employees - you help promote efficient work and peace of mind.
The guardians of lone worker safety
Here in Finland we are the happiest people in the world. We are happy because we know what it means to be prepared.
It is no accident that first rescue phones were invented in Finland. We know how to engineer and manufacture high-quality lone worker alarm devices for the safety of people.
Our modern production line enables efficient manufacturing that meets the most demanding quality requirements. Each device is thoroughly tested to ensure high quality and functionality in case of an accident.
We maintain a comprehensive component warehouse to ensure prompt deliveries that meet our customer needs.
Protecting people is our priority
When it comes to individual safety and wellbeing, we leave nothing to chance. TWIG lone worker alarms are trusted by our partners across a range of demanding industries.
Our high-quality solutions ensure the security and safety of hundreds of thousands of lone workers in various industries every day.
Let's make working alone safer together!
Lone working is increasing globally, and it poses a unique set of risks for both workers and companies. In the event of an accident or emergency, help may not be readily available.
Lone working is prevalent in many industries, such as manufacturing, property maintenance and healthcare.
The importance of feeling safe
Feeling safe is important for everyone.
By protecting your company's most valuable asset - your employees - you help promote efficient work and peace of mind.
The guardians of lone worker safety
Here in Finland we are the happiest people in the world. We are happy because we know what it means to be prepared.
It is no accident that first rescue phones were invented in Finland. We know how to engineer and manufacture high-quality lone worker alarm devices for the safety of people.
Our modern production line enables efficient manufacturing that meets the most demanding quality requirements. Each device is thoroughly tested to ensure high quality and functionality in case of an accident.
We maintain a comprehensive component warehouse to ensure prompt deliveries that meet our customer needs.
Protecting people is our priority
When it comes to individual safety and wellbeing, we leave nothing to chance. TWIG lone worker alarms are trusted by our partners across a range of demanding industries.
Our high-quality solutions ensure the security and safety of hundreds of thousands of lone workers in various industries every day.
Let's make working alone safer together!
How to use man down alarm?
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Man Down alarm system is a sensor based aid to launching emergency cycle that makes automatic call and sends position to predefined numbers in case the user is unable to trigger alarm manually.
Read more about TWIG ManDown alarm on:
TWIG personal alarm devices support Man Down alarm triggered by 4 independent alert triggers: device orientation, non-movement, free fall and impact.
Alert is launched when predefined parameters are met. In order to minimize false alarms or missing alarms, the Man Down settings need to be carefully matched with the usage scenario and environment. The user needs to be trained on Man Down function and also on understanding its limitations.
Man Down alarm triggered by falling AND no movement
Horizontal + Motion Sensitivity Enabled: TWIG SOS cycle is launched when device main axis orientation deviates from absolute upright position more than Tilt Angle (in degrees), AND detected device movement (acceleration) falls below a threshold value defined by Motion Sensitivity.
Vertical + Motion Sensitivity Enabled : Man Down alert launches TWIG SOS cycle when device beam axis orientation deviates from absolute upright position more than Tilt Angle (in degrees), AND detected device movement (acceleration) falls below a threshold value defined by Motion Sensitivity.
Man Down alert is triggered when both rules are met:
- device main or beam axis orientation deviates from absolute upright position and
- device movement falls below a threshold value defined by motion sensitivity.
Man Down+ alarm triggered by falling OR no movement
TWIG personal alarms supporting Man Down+ feature alerts the ARC also in situations where the user is not moving (e.g. because of unconsciousness) but the personal alarm is not deviating enough from the absolute tilt angle (e.g. where fainting doesn’t include falling and change in device orientation axis). In situation of no movement SOS cycle is launched when detected device movement (acceleration) falls below a threshold value defined by Motion Sensitivity. Device orientation has no effect.
Man Down++ alarm triggered by free fall or impact
The TWIG personal alarms supporting Man Down++ feature alerts the ARC also in situations of a sudden impact or free falling.
Read more about TWIG ManDown alarm on:
TWIG personal alarm devices support Man Down alarm triggered by 4 independent alert triggers: device orientation, non-movement, free fall and impact.
Alert is launched when predefined parameters are met. In order to minimize false alarms or missing alarms, the Man Down settings need to be carefully matched with the usage scenario and environment. The user needs to be trained on Man Down function and also on understanding its limitations.
Man Down alarm triggered by falling AND no movement
Horizontal + Motion Sensitivity Enabled: TWIG SOS cycle is launched when device main axis orientation deviates from absolute upright position more than Tilt Angle (in degrees), AND detected device movement (acceleration) falls below a threshold value defined by Motion Sensitivity.
Vertical + Motion Sensitivity Enabled : Man Down alert launches TWIG SOS cycle when device beam axis orientation deviates from absolute upright position more than Tilt Angle (in degrees), AND detected device movement (acceleration) falls below a threshold value defined by Motion Sensitivity.
Man Down alert is triggered when both rules are met:
- device main or beam axis orientation deviates from absolute upright position and
- device movement falls below a threshold value defined by motion sensitivity.
Man Down+ alarm triggered by falling OR no movement
TWIG personal alarms supporting Man Down+ feature alerts the ARC also in situations where the user is not moving (e.g. because of unconsciousness) but the personal alarm is not deviating enough from the absolute tilt angle (e.g. where fainting doesn’t include falling and change in device orientation axis). In situation of no movement SOS cycle is launched when detected device movement (acceleration) falls below a threshold value defined by Motion Sensitivity. Device orientation has no effect.
Man Down++ alarm triggered by free fall or impact
The TWIG personal alarms supporting Man Down++ feature alerts the ARC also in situations of a sudden impact or free falling.
TWIG personal alarms for risky lone worker situations
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Video about TWIG personal alarms in Italian made by Italian TWIG distributor.
TWIG Neo video short version
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The new, small and scalable TWIG Neo provides multiple wearing options making it ideal e.g. for laboratory, maintenance and health care staff.
TWIG Neo adds new features to wearable TWIG devices: 4G data communication, configurable UI and keypad, SRD3 option, robust SIM cradle and Firmware over-the-air.
With SRD3 option TWIG Neo is the first multi-wearable TWIG device to benefit from TWIG Point Netloc hybrid location both for public space location (cellular + Wi-Fi) and for on-site location (TWIG SRD + Wi-Fi + BLE).
TWIG Neo adds new features to wearable TWIG devices: 4G data communication, configurable UI and keypad, SRD3 option, robust SIM cradle and Firmware over-the-air.
With SRD3 option TWIG Neo is the first multi-wearable TWIG device to benefit from TWIG Point Netloc hybrid location both for public space location (cellular + Wi-Fi) and for on-site location (TWIG SRD + Wi-Fi + BLE).