25th May 2018 SSL/TLS encryption now available for TWIG devices
Setting selectable in device configuration
24 toukokuuta, 2018 kirjoittaja
25th May 2018 SSL/TLS encryption now available for TWIG devices
Twig Com

The GDPR enforces protection of personal data and privacy for individuals in the EU

The SSL/TLS encryption of TWIG devices may contribute to technical data security and GDPR compliance

SSL/TLS encryption is now available for use with the IP MPTP protocol of TWIG personal alarm devices. The encryption is an optional setting selectable in device configuration. 

Communication over the protocol, such as location, may in some contexts comprise Personal Data under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) EU 2016/679. The SSL/TLS encryption of TWIG devices may contribute to technical data security and GDPR compliance in these cases.

GDPR enforces protection of personal data and privacy for individuals in the European Union. GDPR legislation is effective today, 25th May 2018.

For details, please contact TWIG Support at support@twigcom.com.

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