21 Oct 2013 TWIG Protector now fully Google Maps compatible
View alerts and GPS tracking easily on smart phone
27 lokakuuta, 2015 kirjoittaja
21 Oct 2013 TWIG Protector now fully Google Maps compatible
Twig Com

Twig Com Ltd, the designer and manufacturer of TWIG safety and GPS products, today announces full Google Maps compatibility of the TWIG Protector range of lone worker and social alarm products.

TWIG Protector now offers the choice of outgoing alert and tracking messages to be sent as Google Maps links, viewable on any smart phone by clicking on the link URL.

A small business owner can now equip her lone workers with TWIG Protectors and receive alerts directly to her mobile phone, satisfying usual duty of care requirements cost efficiently. Google Maps screen shows the last known GPS location, possible TWIG Beacon site, and whether alert was triggered by panic button, TWIG Button or ManDown function.

Spouses and parents of cyclists, skiers and more can have peace of mind in knowing that in many accident scenarios they will be alerted by TWIG Protector’s automatic ManDown function, with location of their loved one in distress shown on map and two-way voice call activated.

With GPS tracking turned on, TWIG Protector automatically transmits real time GPS location as Google Maps links at chosen intervals. Alternatively, send ‘POS?’ text message from smart phone to TWIG Protector, and click on the link received in reply to see location.

The following products are now fully Google Maps compatible: TWIG Protector, Twig Protector Easy, TWIG Protector Ex and TWIG AssetLocator, types TCP90EU, software releases CT1x.01.025.0000 and later.

TWIG Protector is the ultimate GPS/GSM personal safety alarm. Panic button or ManDown function activates a predefined emergency protocol that operates according to DIN0825 and BS8484, transmitting latest known position and opening two-way voice call. The device is rugged and IP67 water proof, providing ease of mind for the user and unparalleled life cycle economies for the business owner.

For more information: sales @ twigcom.com
Product data: www.twigcom.com

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