15 Jan 2013 TWIG has new email and web address
Old addresses continue to work for time being
27 lokakuuta, 2015 kirjoittaja
15 Jan 2013 TWIG has new email and web address
Twig Com

Effective 15 January 2013, TWIG website can be found at www.twigcom.com and email addresses are of form firstname.lastname@twigcom.com.

The change was effected in order to have the domain name better aligned with the name of the operating company, Twig Com Oy (Twig Com Ltd.)

Old web address and email addresses (twigworld.com) continue to to work in parallel for the time being.

For more information: sales@twigcom.com

Twig Com Ltd.
Meriniitynkatu 11, FIN-24100 Salo, Finland
Tel. +358 40 5105058
Fax +358 42 5105058
sales @ twigcom.com

About TWIG:
TWIG (www.twigcom.com) is a brand of Twig Com Ltd., a developer and manufacturer of personal safety and GPS tracking products and software. TWIG products are designed and manufactured in Salo, Finland by our experienced team. TWIG Protector and other TWIG products are used in Europe and in other markets for lone worker protection, telecare and asset tracking, and integrate with TWIG and third party tracking and monitoring software.

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