11 Mar 2014 Technical Bulletin: New TWIG AGPS settings from 20 March
New server settings and new features for TWIG AGPS
28 lokakuuta, 2015 kirjoittaja
11 Mar 2014 Technical Bulletin: New TWIG AGPS settings from 20 March
Twig Com

TWIG Protector range of products support assisted GPS (AGPS) facility where assistance data is sent to the mobile device from TWIG AGPS server in order to speed up first location acquisition as well as to help location acquisition in marginal signal conditions.

AGPS is activated in TWIG Configurator, by ticking the “AGPS Usage” box. Prerequisite for AGPS usage is that GPRS connection is activated.

The AGPS data needs to be downloaded every few hours, and may thus increase mobile data cost, depending on your mobile subscription pricing policy. It is recommended to switch on “GPRS Roaming Block” since international mobile data roaming costs may be high.

Latest TWIG Protector products offer Long Term assistance, with two benefits:
- Assistance data downloading only once a day
- Separate data connections to AGPS server and alarms receiving center (ARC). This enables using TWIG AGPS also when GPRS connection is used to customer ARC server.
Long Term assistance is activated by ticking “Use Estimated” box in TWIG Configurator. Device requirements:
- HW TCP90EU, from serial number 136N onwards (first 4 digits)
- SW version CT1x.01.36.0000 or later

Please note!
- Old AGPS connections will stop working on 20 March 2014
- Please have the IP addressing of your devices reprogrammed by March 20 if you use either AGPS or TWIG WebFinder with GPRS connection
- New GPRS/AGPS addressing: port=8484 (IP addressing)
www.twigcom.com port=8484 (URL addressing)
- Long-term AGPS option ("Use Estimated" in TWIG Configurator) requires device firmware version CT1X.01.36.0000 or later and HW TCP90EU, from serial number 136N onwards (first 4 digits).

For further information and instructions, please contact your TWIG distributor, or TWIG support at support @ twigcom.com.

Twig Com Ltd.
Lairolantie 14, FIN-24910 Salo, Finland
Tel. +358 40 5105058
Fax +358 42 5105058
sales @ twigcom.com

About TWIG:
TWIG is a registered trade mark of Twig Com Ltd. TWIG personal safety alarms are engineered and manufactured in Finland in our own low-energy factory. TWIG products are used internationally for lone worker protection, telecare and asset tracking.

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