07 Jun 2011 TWIG Safety and GPS News
TWIG Safety and GPS News
27 lokakuuta, 2015 kirjoittaja
07 Jun 2011 TWIG Safety and GPS News
Twig Com

Dear All,

I would like to thank you for your continuing trust in TWIG following the management buy-out in January. Twig Com Ltd got a flying start and the first five months have seen us reaching or exceeding budgets and goals. We look forward to serving you also in future with your safety and GPS requirements.

Below please find latest news and updates from TWIG. For details please do not hesitate to contact us or your distributor.

Best regards,

Jukka Nieminen

Chairman of Board of Directors
Twig Com Ltd.

MBO Completed
The operations of Twig Com Ltd have settled under standard processes, guided by our certified ISO9001:2008 and ATEX quality management system. TWIG products manufacturing at our Salo, Finland factory along with customer service is naturally a primary focus. At the same time 30 % of our operating expenses is invested in product development, with in-house electronics and RF design as well as in-house design and control of software source codes.

TWIG GPRS Protocol Now Available
With increasing recognition of employers’ duty of care toward lone workers, real-time GPS tracking of not only material assets but also employees at risk is growing in demand. TWIG devices feature 2-way GPRS connection which together with suitable mobile subscription provides for cost-effective GPS tracking and remote device management. To make connecting TWIG devices to your server over GPRS convenient, we now make available TWIG GPRS Protocol v2.1 specification, as well as its code implementation (TWIG GPRS Interface).

Big Easy
With TWIG Protector being the favourite GPS safety device, it is not easy to remember all that the TWIG Protector Easy has to offer: Extra large 2600 mAh rechargeable battery for extra long hours (standard). ManDown alert (standard). Motion-controlled AGPS (standard). Water proofness per IP67 (standard). All this in 108 grams. Easy!

Customers share in the design of TWIG products, by informing us what all the products should do. The outcome of years in business with many customers is an ever increasing catalog of products and versions. Now we have compiled a new distributor price list format, hopefully making it bit easier to make sense of all the TWIGs of this world.

The soft spot of the Global Positioning System is the hourly need to download satellite orbit correction data from satellites. Assisted GPS (AGPS) addresses this weakness by transmitting the orbit data to GPS receiver over an alternative transport. TWIG AGPS uses MPTP messages transmitted from server to TWIG device over GPRS. You can try TWIG AGPS today with the TWIG WebFinder SP tracking and monitoring application. You can also get from us tools and support to integrate TWIG AGPS to your server.

The Industrialist
We not only manufacture TWIG products in Twig Com’s Salo, Finland factory. We also provide Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) to other companies, including automated SMD surface mounting of components onto printed circuit boards, product assembly and testing, including automated RF testing. Please contact us if you seek partnerships for getting your product needs realised.

Custom Cartography, Chop-chop
After the recent major improvements in the TWIG WebFinder SP monitoring and GPS tracking software, there are now not only street maps but also aerial images and 3D aerial views over tens of countries for visualising the location and surroundings of persons and assets. We also offer adding custom map layers, for your eyes only. You could be tracking TWIGs on your proprietary site map in days, not weeks.

Despite the TWIG Protector undoubtedly being the best-quality product we have ever made over the years, even it may need some loving care from time to time. Twig Com’s factory repair shop in Salo, Finland specialises in all repair and service jobs for TWIG products and old Benefon products. Our stock of spares and accessories can in some cases serve 10 to 15 year old models. We refurbish with new covers, batteries etc, or resoft with latest software. Typical turnaround time is two weeks, often faster.

Benefon TrackBox Revisited
While rearranging the factory layout at our Salo facility, we came across a box of unused Benefon TrackBoxes from bygone years. Will draw some current, SMS and CSD only, but speaks fluent MPTP and comes with lots of digital and analog I/Os, track memory etc and perfect for some vehicle or M2M projects. Call for the deal!

Twig Com Ltd.
Meriniitynkatu 11, FIN-24100 Salo, Finland
Tel. +358 40 5105058
Fax +358 42 5105058
sales @ twigworld.com

About TWIG:
TWIG (www.twigworld.com) is a brand of Twig Com Ltd., a developer and manufacturer of personal safety and GPS tracking products and software. TWIG products are designed and manufactured in Salo, Finland by our experienced team. TWIG Protector and other TWIG products are used in Europe and in other markets for lone worker protection, telecare and asset tracking, and integrate with TWIG and third party tracking and monitoring software.

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