We are pleased to announce that TWIG lone worker safety solutions have received DGUV (Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung) certification. This certification confirms that TWIG Neo, TWIG One, and TWIG One Ex, when connected to TWIG Point SaaS, comply with Germany’s strict occupational safety regulations.
What is DGUV Certification and Why is it Important?
DGUV is the German statutory accident insurance association, responsible for workplace safety and health regulations. DGUV certification ensures that safety devices meet established industry standards, supporting businesses in compliance with German occupational safety laws.
Germany is one of the most regulated markets for lone worker safety, and its standards are widely recognized across Europe. With DGUV certification, TWIG solutions offer businesses a reliable and compliant choice for protecting lone workers.
Find Out More About TWIG DGUV-Certified Solutions