06 Mar 2008 TWIG GPRS Telematics Now Available
TWIG care and control devices now use GPRS air link to TWIG Web Finder service
27 lokakuuta, 2015 kirjoittaja
06 Mar 2008 TWIG GPRS Telematics Now Available
Twig Com

TWIG GPRS saves on airtime cost when frequent position updates are required. Also real time tracking of for example distressed persons and assets becomes feasible using GPRS connection.

TWIG Discovery Pro safety phone and TWIG Locator tracking device now communicate using either GPRS data or SMS with TWIG Web Finder tracking and alarms monitoring service. This enables you to choose the air link providing best service and best value in your application.

TWIG GPRS can fall back on conventional SMS if GPRS becomes unavailable, further improving reliability of service.

Key features of TWIG GPRS:
- Push telematics from server to mobile
- Automatic modes to improve battery life
- Customer selectable primary air link
- Customer selectable SMS backup if GPRS service not available
- Customer selectable international roaming policy for data cost management

Key benefits of TWIG GPRS:
- Save airtime cost of frequent updates*
- Real-time tracking made feasible**
- Automatic device configuration from server** (Estimated availability in 1Q2008)
- Flexibility to optimise airtime cost and battery life in your application

GPRS telematics is standard feature in TWIG Discovery Pro version CDXX.02.075.00000 onwards and TWIG Locator version CL1L.05.005.0000 onwards.

Older versions of TWIG devices can be software upgraded to GPRS telematics. Please contact support@twigworld.com for upgrade.

TWIG GPRS works with TWIG Web Finder tracking and alarms monitoring system. Please go to http://www.twigworld.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=39.php to learn more and subscribe to the service.

Third party tracking and alarms monitoring systems can in the future connect over GPRS to TWIG devices through TWIG Gateway. Please contact sales@twigworld.com for product details and availability.

For more information on TWIG service and devices:
Email: sales@twigworld.com

TWIG GPRS datasheet: http://www.twigworld.com/media/en/Professional/pdfs/TWIG_GPRS_Telematics.pdf

Getting started with TWIG Web Finder service and GPRS devices:

To unsubscribe from or subscribe to TWIG Telematics News, please login to My Account at http://www.twigworld.com and select Email Notifications.

TWIG is a brand of GeoSentric Plc, P.O.Box 84, FIN-24101 Salo, Finland.

* Depends on mobile operator pricing
** Estimated availability in 1Q2008

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