10 Sep 2010 Place TWIG on Your Mobile Phone Map
Google Maps locates the TWIG Protector personal safety device and TWIG Locator tracking device
27 lokakuuta, 2015 kirjoittaja
10 Sep 2010 Place TWIG on Your Mobile Phone Map
Twig Com

TWIG Mobile Telematics, a business of GeoSentric Plc, today announces release of a new locating method for the TWIG –range of personal safety devices.

User of a mobile phone can now conveniently see the GPS location of a TWIG shown on Google Maps street map or satellite view.

Just send a ‘?POS’ text message to TWIG from any mobile phone. TWIG will reply with a text message including a hyperlink. Selecting on the hyperlink, the mobile phone browser will invoke Google Maps to display the GPS position.

TWIG will only reply to location requests from authorized phone numbers, thus ensuring privacy and security.

Google Maps hyperlink is supported in TWIG Protector, TWIG Protector Easy  and TWIG Locator firmware versions CG1P.01.031, CG1E.01.031 or CL1L.06.016 and later.

TWIG Protector and TWIG Protector Easy are personal safety devices featuring two-way voice, advanced GPS tracking capability, panic button, and optional Man Down alert. The products are compact, rugged, and water resistant  according to  IP67.

TWIG Locator products are compact, autonomous GPS tracking devices with GPRS or SMS connection to server and integrated antennae and battery.

For more information:
GeoSentric Plc
Meriniitynkatu 11, P.O.Box 84
FIN-24101 Salo, Finland
Tel +358 20 7700800

About TWIG and GeoSentric Plc:
TWIG is a brand of GeoSentric Plc., a developer of location-based technologies, delivering products and services that connect people to places and networks. TWIG mobile telematics (www.twigworld.com) provide care and control solutions for saving lives, securing assets and improving field management. TWIG safety phones and tracking devices combine GPS location with mobile communication, integrating with TWIG and third party tracking and tracing software.

Google and Google maps are trademarks of Google corporation.

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